Institutional Policies

Note: The policies below apply to all academic programs at Albany Medical College. View policies specific to the Medical School (undergraduate) program. and view policies specific to Graduate Studies programs.


Albany Medical College is accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) of the American Association of Medical Colleges, 655 K Street NW, Suite 100, Washington DC, 20001, (202) 828-0400. The LCME is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the World Federation for Medical Education as the reliable authority of medical education programs leading to the MD degree.

Albany Medical College is also accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, (215) 662-5606. The Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation.

Students are encouraged to seek resolution of complaints at the institution, following policies and procedures in the Student Handbook for their program. Individual programs may have additional policies in place for reporting complaints or concerns. If a student alleges the college is in violation of accreditation standards or to challenge the college's accreditation, they may obtain information on filing a complaint by contacting the accrediting agency.

The policies below cover all educational programs at Albany Medical College, including but not limited to undergraduate medical education and graduate studies. As noted, there are additional policies for individual programs.

In order to comply with New York State law, Occupational and Safety Administration requirement and policies of Albany Medical College, all students must provide proof of immunity to certain diseases, have an annual physical or health assessment, and all students interacting with patients must be respiratory fit tested. Students who do not comply will not be allowed to attend class or participate on a clinical rotation.

All students must pass the Albany Medical Center Health and Safety Module and the HIPAA Module required of all employees yearly. Failure to do so will result in being removed from clinical rotations or prevented from attending class.

In compliance of New York State Education Policy 129 A, students must not participate in any reckless activities which may include but not be restricted to any activities that would endanger the physical or mental health of others. Any student accused of such activity will be investigated and disciplined. No student may be involved in activities that force students to drink or take drugs. If these activities are proven the students involved will be dismissed.

Students found to be abusing alcohol or drugs will be required to have an administrative psychiatric evaluation and be required to be evaluated and followed by the Committee on Physician Health of the New York State Medical Society. Lack of compliance will result in dismissal.

Social Media is not appropriate for clinical pictures or discussions. Anyone violating HIPAA in this manner will face an Honor Code or Disciplinary Hearing.

Download the Honor Code

Albany Medical College has an Honor Code that students pledge to abide by during their time as students at our institution. It is expected that the Honor Code will be respected by the students, the faculty and the administration. The Student Honor Code of the Albany Medical College states in part:

"As students of medicine and of the medical sciences, we embrace the foregoing physician statement and hereby acknowledge the confidence that has been bestowed upon us along with the responsibilities attendant with this privilege. As future physicians, teachers, and scientific investigators, we recognize the importance of conducting ourselves at the highest level of professional ethics and our duty to serve our mentors our colleagues and ultimately our patients."

All students, at the time of registration at Albany Medical College, are required to sign a statement that they have read the Honor Code and that they pledge to abide by that Code. Students whose behavior denotes a lack of fitness for the practice of medicine or for the conduct of scientific research shall be considered to be in violation of the Honor Code.

In carrying out their assigned responsibilities, the Office of Student Records at Albany Medical College collects and maintains information about students. Although these records belong to Albany Medical College, both college policy and federal law accord you a number of rights concerning these records. The following is designed to inform you concerning where records about you may be kept and maintained, what kinds of information are in those records, the conditions under which you or anyone else may have access to information in those records, and what action to take if you believe that the information in your record is inaccurate or that your rights have been compromised.

We have adopted this policy and the accompanying procedures to promote and maintain an environment that is free of discrimination and harassment, that encourages respect for the dignity of each individual and that complies with applicable federal, state or local laws. The Office of Academic Administration (MS-114, 2-5548) is responsible for managing the College's Student Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure and for coordinating compliance activities under these policies and the applicable federal, state and local laws. It has been designated as the Office for Title IX, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, and other equal opportunity, nondiscrimination and affirmative action laws.

Students may contact the Office of Academic Administration to inquire about their rights under College policies, request assistance, and seek information about filing a complaint, or report conduct or behavior that may violate these policies. The Title IX Deputy Compliance Officer conducts investigations of all complaints filed under the Policy and Complaint Procedure, and fulfills required duties in the absence of the Title IX Compliance Officer. The policy available below addresses issues related to discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and physical mistreatment for students at AMC.

Student Non-Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure (PDF)

Request Disability Accommodations Here

Albany Medical College is committed to the academic, social, and cultural integration of individuals with disabilities. Students with physical, learning, or other disabilities as defined by law may apply for and receive reasonable accommodations to help them attain the necessary level of achievement.

Download Albany Medical College's Disability Accommodations Policy and Procedure under the Americans with Disabilities Act (PDF).

Albany Medical College is in full compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the New York State Human Rights Law, and will ensure provision of necessary services and reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities.

Request Disability Accommodations: [email protected]

The Albany Med Health System exists to serve the major health care needs of surrounding communities by providing medical education, biomedical research, patient care and charitable services. Many activities undertaken in service of the System’s mission require that the public rely on the competence, professionalism and diligence of the System and its people to safeguard and promote the well-being of the community. To deserve the community trust, all Individuals’ acting on behalf of the System must avoid situations or relationships that may or may reasonably be perceived to hinder or bias our efforts due to the introduction of inappropriate or undisclosed personal benefit.

Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF)

Plagiarism is defined as submitting material that is in whole or in part not one's own work without acknowledging the portions contributed by the work of others. In brief, handing in work as your own that was done by another. The Latin word "plagiarius" means kidnapper! Plagiarism is unprofessional and is not tolerated at Albany Medical College.